My Messy Family: Brian Greenfield

For our second workshop of the day, Brian Greenfield presented an honest and vulnerable message about family. When everything goes as God intended, our families are havens of love, consistency, and healthy boundaries. Unfortunately, Brian’s family (and many of our own families) don’t always meet that call. It is in these times that we need to remember that God is our perfect example of holy, familial love.

Jesus was born into the Holy Family. The love demonstrated by the Holy Family is mirrored in the love between the Persons of the Trinity. When love is ordered well, it is life giving. In Brian’s family, his father did not demonstrate stability or exclusivity. But, by seeking out holy friends and faith communities, Brian got to know examples of holy families that he could emulate with his own wife and children. When we acknowledge the areas where the adults in our lives may have fallen short, we can allow God to show us life giving ways to make up the difference.

Even the most encouraging and holy families have difficulties. Like us, our parents will make mistakes. Our families will always love us imperfectly, and we will always love them imperfectly. Humans fail. But, God never does. Our family can love us so very much, while still loving us imperfectly. This helps us imagine how much our Heavenly Father must actually loves us.

You are loved. This is true whether the family you were born into is a haven of love and support, or your family life is wrought with pain and hurt. You can ask the Lord to heal the areas of your heart that may have been damaged by family members. If you want better examples of holiness, ask God to provide people who can encourage you on your faith journey. Above all, remember that the Lord made you, and He will never abandon or forsake you. We have nothing to fear.

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be in dread of them: for it is the Lord your God who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you.” -Deuteronomy 31:6

The live stream from Brian’s workshop is available here. 

Written by Amanda Jelavich