Chika Anyanwu admits that she was a bit rebellious as a teen. She once tried to skip school and got busted by her mom. She also once tried to steal a friend’s bracelet–and ended up getting injured and needing an ambulance ride in the process. But, through all of this, even in her most embarrassing times, she was in the sight of Jesus. She was not forgotten by Him. He remained near to her.
In Mark chapter 5, we learn that there was a man that was possessed by many demons. Sometimes we can feel so bogged down by the burdens of life. We can feel overwhelmed by school, by expectations for the future, or by problems at home. But Chika reminds us that, “God is our refuge in times of trouble.”
Chika spoke to us about the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We know that, while He was on the Cross, Jesus’ Sacred Heart was pierced by a lance. We can find refuge, safety, and protection in that wounded Sacred Heart. You belong here. You belong within the loving embrace of Jesus’ love.
You are not forgotten. The Lord is with you and waiting for you to take refuge in Him. You have a place here at this conference. You have a place in the Catholic Church. You have a place in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Reflection Questions
What do you need Jesus to heal in your heart?
Are you ready to take refuge in Him?
Here we go! See the whole opening session here.
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