This weekend we were joined by five Religious Sisters from three different communities and 30 priests from 19 different dioceses.
This weekend we were joined by five Religious Sisters from three different communities and 30 priests from 19 different dioceses.
What does our faith mean to us – both as individuals and as a Church?
In today’s first reading, we hear the story of the prophet Amos. Amos was called by God, but he didn’t desire to be a prophet. He didn’t know how to prophesy when God called him, but he still said yes. He trusted that God would provide what was necessary. Amos went and told God’s people to reform, turn away from their sins, and be faithful to God. King Amaziah sent Amos away, because like many of us, he didn’t want to hear a challenging message. But Amos never gave up, because he knew God’s call for him was real. Even though it was difficult to pursue God’s calling, Amos stayed faithful.
Today, we go home to people we love. God has given us a memory, an experience, an encounter with Him this weekend, but that isn’t only meant for us. It’s meant for the people in our lives.
We go home to a battle against sin, temptation, self-doubt, guilt. There are wars in our relationships, schools, homes, and hearts. God called us here like a boot camp, preparing us to go home and fight for the people we love.
During the Battle of Hacksaw Ridge, a medic named Desmond Doss single handedly saved 75 men by running back into the battle and asking God, “Please Lord, help me save one more.”
What makes a “successful” night of Adoration? It’s you giving praise to Jesus. It’s you looking at Jesus and saying, “You’re the point.”
Love is a decision. God left Heaven for you. Jesus picked up a cross for you. He died for you. He descended into hell for you. He shows up at every single Mass, and He makes Himself so vulnerable that we can drop Him to the floor. What more can He do to prove His love for you?
Jesus is asking you to follow Him – to be His friend.
Are you willing to place your hope in Jesus?
Are you willing to stand for Him?
Are you willing to walk with Him?
The Gospel of Mark tells the story of a deaf man that couldn’t speak. Jesus took him away from the crowd, put His fingers into his ears, and He spat and touched his tongue. Jesus sighed and said, “be opened,” and the man was healed.
God can heal your wounds too, but it requires us to “be opened.” The Lord sees you, even if other people don’t see you. Jesus wants to step into your life, take you to the side, and be alone with you.