At Mass this morning Fr. Chris Martin spoke of encountering the glory of God and how the weight of His presence makes an impression on all it touches. He asked us to reflect on who and what has happened to us that makes us who we are today.
As Fr. Martin shared about the people and experiences of his own life who shaped him, I recalled my favorite line from the The Chosen TV series that depicts the life of Jesus of Nazareth. In the second episode, Nicodemus is asking Mary Magdalene about her healing and she says about her own experience of Jesus, “I was one way, and now I’m completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him.”
Because His love is freely given and not forced upon us and because He is always seeking us first, we need only respond. When we encounter Jesus Christ, we have a choice to make: be made new, or live in the brokenness of our sin; be transformed, or remain the same; be restored to who we are made to be, or attempt to be who the world tells us we are. The choice seems obvious, but it’s yours to make today and everyday and each time we gather at the Eucharistic feast.
Allow Jesus to meet you in the present moment and conform your heart to His so you may be changed and sent forth. Let your ‘Amen’ be a resounding ‘Yes’ to the plans He has for your life.
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