Week 1: Sunday Recap

Acts 2:42
This passage from the Acts of the Apostles reveals something about how the early Christians kept the faith alive. Each member of the Ministry Team elaborated on one part of the verse and gave the participants a challenge for their lives following the conference.
- Considering the teaching of the Apostles, Fr. Martin challenged everyone to get a Bible and consider starting with the Gospel of Mark. Reading a Catechism of the Catholic Church is another great option he mentioned.
- Considering communal life, Sr. M. Karolyn challenged everyone to find their people, because growing closer to the Lord together brings friends closer to each other.
- Considering the Breaking of the Bread, Joel challenged everyone to make Reconciliation and receiving the Eucharist a frequent priority.
- Considering the prayers, Oscar challenged everyone to make one small commitment to make time for prayer daily.
Baptismal Call
Fr. Martin ackonwledged that not all conference participants are Catholic. He encouraged those participants who might have noticed the Holy Spirit prompting them to consider joining the Church through Baptism. Several young people came forward to express their interest in joining the faith. Let us pray for them in their spiritual journey!
Holy Mass
Bishop Rice once again joined us from the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. His homily was a message of hope. He encouraged us to continue to cultivate the faith that was stirred in our hearts this weekend. “Do not give up on God,” Bishop Rice challenged. “Trust in the slow work of God in your life.” Remember to keep growing in love of the Lord because we do not want to just know about Him. We want to be in a relationship with Him.
Vocations Call
Each year, the team priest calls forward those men who have noticed the Holy Spirit moving in their hearts, prompting consideration of the priesthood. Many young men came forward. Fr. Martin reminded us that the Church is not always welcomed in society today, but that we need good and holy men to stand in the gap. “The church doesn’t need nice guys that are looking for a place to hide. The church needs heroes,” Fr. Martin said. Please pray that all those that are called to the priesthood will respond with heroic and courageous hearts.
Sr. M. Karolyn and the other women religious present, addressed the young women at the conference. Sr. Karolyn called forward those who were considering a vocation as a religious sister or a nun. Young women flooded toward the stage. Sr. M. Karolyn offered some words of wisdom for them to consider in their discernment journey. “Learn how to receive Jesus’ love more deeply into your heart,” she said, “that you might follow Him more freely.” Please pray for all young women that they may discern well God’s plan for their lives.
Conference Ending
Hearts and minds were illuminated this weekend! Our Sunday session provided time to pray before our Lord in the Eucharist, receive Him in Holy Communion, and give witness to the way He has moved throughout the conference. You can watch the live stream of the closing conference session here.
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