Afternoon Keynote: The Darkness has not Overcome
During our evening keynote, Fr. Chris Martin recalled the solar eclipse that occurred this past October. When the moon partially covered the sun, the earth was placed in its shadow, but still the moon could not totally block out the light. It is like that with Jesus. Even though sin has made this world more difficult, the light of Christ continues to illuminate the darkness. We are never too far for Jesus to reach us. Fr. Martin read from John 13:1 that states, “Having loved His own…He loved them to the end.” The darkness is no match for the love of Jesus.
Fr. Martin hit home for us that, “Our faith is not a fairy tale…it happened.” Humanity was really set free and ransomed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Because of His sacrifice and love for us, the darkness will never win. The light of Christ will always have the final say.
Hear Fr. Martin’s entire keynote here.
Keynote: The Road Illuminated
Sr. M. Karolyn Nunes addressed the conference tonight and spoke about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our Advocate and guide for conversion in our lives. When the disciples were walking from Emmaus to Jerusalem, they unknowingly encountered the Risen Jesus. The Holy Spirit illuminated their hearts: they recognized Jesus in the breaking of the Bread. Sr. M Karolyn shared with us that, “Wherever the Holy Spirit is, Jesus is revealed.” We are not alone; the Holy Spirit is with us. Holy Spirit, illuminate the darkness and help us keep our eyes focused on Jesus.
Fr. Chris Martin processed through the crowd with the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance. Just as Jesus was with the disciples 2000 years ago, He is with us now in the Eucharist. This encounter with the Risen Lord allows confusion and doubt to fade in His light. As Fr. Martin said, “Come Lord Jesus…You are our most welcome Guest.”
See the recording of Saturday night here.
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