Week 1: Friday Recap

Conference Theme

This year’s Steubenville conferences have the theme “Illuminate.” Participants are invited to reflect on John 1:5, “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” Though we are all created with intention and purpose, the darkness of the world can cloud our ability to hear God; it can impact our relationship with Him. This weekend is an opportunity to embrace the light of Christ and allow it to grow in our hearts and lives.

Ministry Team

We have an incredible and inspiring team this week!

  • Host: Oscar Rivera Jr.
  • Worship Leader: Josh Blakesley
  • Team Priest: Fr. Chris Martin, Archdiocese of St. Louis
  • Keynote Speaker: Sr. M. Karolyn Nunes, FSGM
  • Keynote Speaker: Joel Stepanek

Keynote: God Illuminated

The first keynote of the conference was given by Joel Stepanek. Joel spoke to us tonight about Bartimaeus who we meet in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10. Bartimaeus was blind and desired for Jesus to give him sight. We are like Bartimaeus in that, at times, our sin and suffering make us blind to the good work God is doing in our lives. Just like Jesus granted Bartimaeus’ request of sight, Jesus desires to give us the longings of our heart: to give light to our lives. That light helps us to know Jesus and His love more fully. But it takes courage and persistence on our part. Joel reminds us that, “In a world where everything is instantaneous, our relationship with the Lord takes time and intentionality.” Trusting that His light can change our lives, let us approach Jesus with our whole hearts, ready to walk in relationship with Him.

Click here to watch the live stream of this session!

Written by Amanda Jelavich