The Steubenville Mid-America 2022 conference concluded with Sunday Mass. This is our greatest form of worship and a fitting way to end this weekend together. We were blessed, not only to have so many priests with us, but also to have three Bishops present to concelebrate the Mass. Main celebrant, Archbishop Mitchell Rozanksi of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, was joined by current Bishop Edward Rice, and retired Bishop John Leibrecht, both from the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau.
In the Gospel, we hear the story of when Jesus visited his friends, Mary and Martha. While Martha was working and providing service to Jesus’ physical needs, Martha decided to sit at His feet and listen to Him speak. Bishop Rozanski taught us that Mary and Martha each showed Jesus hospitality in their unique ways.
Bishop Rozanski explained that hospitality is very important in the life of a Christian. We show Jesus hospitality by inviting Him into our hearts. And, once we allow him to dwell in our hearts, He will, in turn, change our lives. And, once our lives are changed, we can be fearless in sharing this change with others.
When we tell someone about Jesus, we are showing that person the greatest act of hospitality. When we demonstrate the love of Christ through our actions, we are inviting them to know and accept the love that God has for them. We are inviting them into His everlasting life.
Challenge for Returning Home
In one way or another, we all encountered the living God on this weekend. If you allow Him, He will continue the work He has started in your Heart. Jesus will take our small yes, and transform our lives more perfectly to His will. And that change calls us to fearless action.
We need to share that hospitality to others. We need to tell them about Jesus. When we do this, we build a community of believers that can support and encourage each other in our journeys to holiness.
Leave that room for Jesus, so that He can show His love through you. Be fearless–God is with you.
Reflection Questions
- How has God revealed His love for me this weekend?
- How can I allow that love to transform my heart?
- How can I show hospitality to others by inviting them to know the love of Jesus?
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