Restored Culture: Kyle Heimann

This weekend, something happened. We are no longer the same.

Sin is a twisting of the truth, and we often minimize it to convince ourselves that it’s okay or not that big of a deal. This weekend God has restored our hearts and our understanding of the truth of Jesus Christ. We know better now. We are changed. However, we are going home to friends and family that may expect us to be the same. We will encounter people who don’t have our restored vision.

Nothing in this world will satisfy us because we’re made for eternity. We will not find satisfaction in money, popularity, good grades, or material goods. The world we reenter will tell us that we can be fulfilled by those things. But, we know the truth. It’s our job to bring that truth with us and share it with the people who are part of the lives we are returning to today. God in His mercy has loved us well this weekend, so we are equipped to love others.

Your ‘yes’ to God this weekend and in the days that follow is all He needs to transform hearts. Keep being open to how and where God wants to use you, your story, and your scars. Whatever we offer Him with humility, He can multiply.

If you start to think you aren’t holy enough or too young, come back to these three simple reminders. As you encounter others and introduce them to Jesus Christ:

  1. Love them.
  2. Pray for them.
  3. Serve them.

Reflection Questions

How can you be a witness of Jesus Christ and share your faith with others?
Who is God calling you to share His restoration with?
How can you bring this conference experience back to your parish, youth group, high school, family, etc.?
What will you do if you struggle to live your life in Christ or if the circumstances at home make it challenging to live your faith?



Written by Courtney Rockamann