Jesus Our Refuge: Sr. M. Karolyn Nunes, FSGM

Jesus sees us. He knows us. He loves us. In Jesus, we are safe.

Sr. Karolyn began her talk with the story of the woman at the well. In chapter 4 of John’s Gospel, he tells us that Jesus had to pass through Samaria. Jesus not only wanted to meet the woman at the well, but He also needed to. He insisted on an encounter with her. Jesus needed the woman to know that He saw, knew, and loved her, no matter what her past included.

Jesus has the same message for us. We are seen, known, and loved. We do not have to clean ourselves up and pretend to be perfect, because He lets us be who we are. Jesus doesn’t run away. “He desires to be our safest refuge.”

Sr. Karolyn sang “Jesus, What a Savior” for us. In this song, as in the story of the woman at the well, Jesus meets us where we are and is “constantly moving towards [us] with open arms” (Housefires). He invites us to be the refugees and find our safety in Him. Particularly, that safety is present His wounds, which we speak of in the Anima Christi prayer.

Reflection Questions

Lastly, Sr. Karolyn offered some questions for prayer and reflection as we prepared to encounter Jesus in adoration:

What are the things in my life that prevent me from entering more deeply into relationship?

What keeps me from entering into Jesus’ presence?

What keeps me from His gaze?

What holds me back from responding to the great gift He wants to give?


The live stream for the session is available here!

Written by Julie Mohan