Masculinity Restored: Joel Stepanek

When men pray, things change. And, the world needs your voice.

What does masculinity look like? It’s important for us to understand what masculinity is, because God created it for a reason.

When we want to understand what masculinity is, we need to ask God what His intention was in creating man. God created men in His likeness, and a man reveals something unique about God. God gave Adam the important task of protecting and maintaining the world. But Adam didn’t trust God completely. So often we fall into this sin, “I’m my own man; I make my own way; I know what is right. I don’t need to trust You.”

When we don’t trust God, it distorts our understanding of masculinity and femininity. Luckily, God doesn’t abandon us in the distortion. God sent Jesus, and He showed us what masculinity should be rooted in: justice, mercy, and humility.

“He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with God?”
(Micah 6:8)

When we live out Micah’s challenge, we can start to correct what is distorted. We can start righting cultural wrongs. Consider Jesus’s relationships with the Samaritans and Gentiles in Scripture, He pushed the cultural norms and pursued relationship with the overlooked, the voiceless, the outcasts.

We are called to imitate Jesus in this mission – when the overlooked are hurting, we ought to hurt. As men, you have the power to be an advocate for the voiceless – consider minority communities who experience racial injustice, the unborn under threat of abortion, the poor who need basic necessities. If you want to be men of mercy, you need to be men of humility. Humility is knowing that God is God, and you’re not. Before you can perform acts of justice or mercy, you need healing.

What do you need healing from?
How is God calling you to live out justice, mercy, and humility?

Click here for the video link to our live feed, and you can hear the whole talk for yourself!

Written by Kristina Radley
Kristina has served in youth ministry since 2010. She enjoys spending time with her handsome husband and kids, listening to stand up comedy, and trying to make her cat proud of her life choices.