Today’s Gospel was about Martha, Mary, and the Lord. Bishop Rice began the homily discussing how we, at different times in life, can find ourselves feeling more like Martha or Mary. When we are like Martha, life is busy and we are pulled in opposite directions. Sometimes we look at the world and feel swamped or overwhelmed. But, there are times when we are at the feet of Jesus like Mary. Some of us feel that we have to struggle to find this balance between Martha and Mary.
Bishop Rice followed this reflection by saying this notion of a balanced life (Martha or Mary) is simply ridiculous. He said, “There is no balance in giving your life to God – it all belongs to Him, it’s either all or nothing.”
Additionally, he reminded us of the importance of a making a resolution, saying: “Make a resolution so you can carry the graces from this retreat with you.” Bishop Rice then listed of a couple of resolution ideas:
- NEVER miss Sunday Mass, or go to an extra Mass throughout the week
- Visit the Blessed Sacrament
- Put down Pokemon Go and read a good Catholic book to feed your mind and soul
Bishop Rice reminded us that, in the Mass, we are all united with the priest at the altar and offer ourselves in union with Christ.
Finally, he ended the homily discussing the importance of sharing this event and our experiences with those at home. He encouraged us to have an answer ready for our family and friends when they ask about our weekend. We were reminded that if we simply say the weekend was “okay” and move on, we have missed an opportunity to share our faith.
There is no ‘balance’ in the cross; Jesus gave his all to the very end.
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