And… we’re back for week 2!
We began our weekend the best way Catholics know how: with Mass! Bishop Rice was the celebrant for our volunteer Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Today is one of many days our Church dedicates to the Blessed Mother. Who better models missionary discipleship? No one.
Mary: a woman pondering and a woman on the go.
When the angel Gabriel came to Mary, she received the news, gave her fiat, and then made haste to her cousin Elizabeth. Unable to contain the joy of Jesus, she was moved to share Him with others. We often see her depicted in art as a woman of peaceful solitude, but we know her journey was neither quiet nor lonely. Mary endured labor in a stable, her family had to flee the country to avoid persecution, she lost her Son in a busy city, and she walked the dusty and crowded road to Calvary with Our Lord. Her life was messy, loud, beautiful, and holy.
The liturgical days dedicated to Mother Mary serve as reminders to always walk with Our Lord. As the 2,000+ speakers, staff, volunteers, teens, and chaperones descend on the campus this afternoon, may we all come with hearts ready to receive, so that when we are sent forth on Sunday, we too are compelled to bring Jesus to others.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.
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