Holy Mass
We kicked off the day with the Source and Summit of our Faith in Holy Mass. Bishop Rice celebrated the Memorial of St. Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr. He was joined by more than 40 concelebrating priests from various groups. Fr. Chris Martin gave us a stirring homily about how following Jesus is a choice: one that can illuminate our identity as a son or daughter of God. He recalled how St. Maria Goretti was martyred at a young age, dying as a witness to her friendship with Jesus. Fr. Martin reminded us that we too have a friend in Jesus. “You have a friend that walks on water,” Fr. Martin said. “You have a friend that actually rose from the dead.” This was a great reminder as we began another day of walking more deeply with our friend Jesus.
Watch the live stream of Mass here.
Women’s Session: Femininity Illuminated
Sr. M. Karolyn Nunes spoke to the women of the gift of their femininity. Sometimes women start to believe the lies that the world sets forth about what it means to be a woman. They can fall into the same grasping that the first woman, Eve, fell into. Often women grasp for the lies of control, competition, and comparison. When those lies start to take root, it can create struggles and knots within the human heart. But, Mother Mary is known as the Undoer of Knots. Sr. M. Karolyn encouraged all to be, “A little less like Eve, a little more like Mary every day.” Mary trusts in the word of the Lord, and trusts in the promises of Christ. Mary embraces the gift of her illuminated womanhood.
Watch the live stream recording of the Women’s Session here.
Men’s Session: Masculinity Illuminated
Joel Stepanek spoke to the men about how God created their masculinity with a purpose and a plan. When humanity was first created, Adam was given the responsibility by God to create, cultivate, and protect the Garden. Men are given those same responsibilities in life today. But, just as Adam did, it is easy to fall into destruction, vice, and apathy. Instead, there is a call to follow the example of Christ. Jesus encourages healing and restoration to all those who follow Him. Humans can become more like Jesus through daily prayer and monthly confession. Joel encouaged the men to pray together as brothers in Christ. He reminded them that, “Jesus has brought [us] here for a purpose,” to bring an illuminated masculinity to a broken world.
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