Steubenville St. Louis Mid-America Week 2 is underway! First up was a Mass for the conference volunteers, celebrated by Bishop Rice of the Diocese of Springfield – Cape Girardeau. His message was clear: the key source of our courage is being convicted that Jesus is who He says He is. That courage is what allows us to witness our faith to the world.
St. Kateri Tekakwitha is an example of someone who suffered on behalf of the gospel. Having been introduced to Christ through the Jesuit missions, she forwent marriage and embraced Catholicism: two things that were foregin to her tribal culture. These decisions made people suspicious of her, and they ultimately cost her both her family and her people. When reflecting on how she endured all that, Bishop Rice said, “It was her love of Christ. That’s the only explanation.”
Her encounter with Christ changed everything.
As volunteers, we have hope that each participant joining the conference will have that same type of encounter with Jesus. We know that no one can choose Christ for them, but we give our time and energy to this weekend to give them a place where they might choose it for themselves.
The Ultimate Goals of the Conference
Bishop Rice identified three goals for our participants this weekend.
1.) Grow in love for Christ.
2.) Encounter Christ in the Sacraments and through the words of the speakers.
3.) Become convicted so that, when they leave on Sunday, their lives will be witnesses to the love of Chirst.
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