“As Catholics, we engage; we do not hide. Catholics are called to transform the culture. We have everything we need. It’s all about Jesus.” – Bishop Rice
“As Catholics, we engage; we do not hide. Catholics are called to transform the culture. We have everything we need. It’s all about Jesus.” – Bishop Rice
The Church is a beautiful and diverse place. We are all different, and we all pray differently. But, we all belong in this one, unified Catholic Church. Continue reading
Jesus sees us. He knows us. He loves us. In Jesus, we are safe.
“There is nothing more beautiful, nothing more adventurous, nothing more romantic, nothing more exciting and dangerous than a life of intimate prayer with the risen Lord.” – Jimmy Mitchell
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Chika Anyanwu admits that she was a bit rebellious as a teen. She once tried to skip school and got busted by her mom. She also once tried to steal a friend’s bracelet–and ended up getting injured and needing an ambulance ride in the process. But, through all of this, even in her most embarrassing times, she was in the sight of Jesus. She was not forgotten by Him. He remained near to her.