Discernment means to cut away from until knowing what is best. Discernment is between two good things, while temptation is between a good thing and a bad thing. God is always speaking to us and we need to make sure we are speaking to Him because authentic discernment comes through Christ.
Father Martin broke down the steps of discernment
- Acknowledging what we are experiencing in our lives.
- Relate it to where we are currently at.
- Receive God’s message and listing to what He has to say.
- Respond to what He tells us.
This discernment is all done through prayer because we have to be able to pray well before we can discern well.
God will never force you to do anything; He always invites us to respond to him out of love. We often confuse holiness with misery, meaning that being holy isn’t “fun”.Rather, holiness is choosing what is best.
But what is the difference between what I’m thinking and what God says? The answer is that God speaks to us though prayer, His word, others, the desires of our heart, and the Spirit. As Fr. Martin said:
“You were created to be a saint and you have to think about that when making daily decisions in your life. The world wants you to settle and God wants you to be great, so choose greatness.”
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