We were blessed to have Bishop Rice presiding at Mass this morning. His homily focused on the importance of the Mass in all of our lives, as well as the importance of rediscovering that importance if we feel that we have lost it.
We were blessed to have Bishop Rice presiding at Mass this morning. His homily focused on the importance of the Mass in all of our lives, as well as the importance of rediscovering that importance if we feel that we have lost it.
What does it mean to be a man? In today’s society there is a lot of clutter surrounding what it actually means to live a genuine masculine life. It is a harsh reality that there is lot of temptation around us and these temptations have distorted the answer to this question. These struggles can often steer us away from who we were meant to be and what God has planned for us.
Jimmy reminded us that you can be close to God’s grace, but your sins against purity and chastity can deflect that grace away. He talked about his time in middle school when he was very involved in his church and a youth group, but was still struggling to have an honest relationship with God because of his daily struggles fighting temptation. Continue reading
Whether we wake up in a dorm at a youth conference or in our beds at home to head to work or school, we can offer our day to the Lord, and so this morning, to get us started, Leah Darrow began with The Morning Offering prayer.
And if we listen to the voice of the One who loves us most, it’s a lot easier to ignore the voices of the world – the voice of competition, or loneliness, or validation. And these are the voices that steal our joy. But we are not each other’s competition and boys are not the prize – and no one else can give us worth. There’s so much more to life than that. Continue reading
C.S. Lewis, in The Screwtape Letters, said that mortals think devils work by putting things into our minds, when they actually work by keeping things out. Our perception of reality can be a tricky thing. Are we accurately grasping what reality is?
David Calavitta is not endorsing the movie Fight Club, but the first rule of Fight Club? Makes a lot of sense for those of us in Catholic Fight Club. Because the reality is that we’re already in a fight, a fight we were born into, and we never, ever talk about it. Continue reading
It all starts with the Good Shepherd.
Jimmy Mitchell is living in Nashville these days, after growing up in Atlanta, where he remembers being a chubby kid who got to be decent at football and navigated bullying, parents fighting, and feeling alone. Continue reading