“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest.”
-Matthew 11:28
Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. In the culmination of a weekend focused on Christ as our refuge, Archbishop Rozanski reminded us that only Christ can lift our burdens. The Archbishop shared a story from his early priesthood of bringing communion to the homebound including a woman crippled with back pain. The Archbishop remembered every time he showed up the woman would smile. “How can a person who is living this existence have a smile on her face,” the Archbishop asked. She could smile because she put her trust and faith in God. “Despite the pain she felt, she would not let the darkness overcome her.”
Christ’s words in the Gospel today happen to be the theme of all 2023 Steubenville Conferences. Archbishop Rozanski reminded us that Jesus, “spoke [these words] with a lot of thought.” Christ knows that we carry burdens. He knows that we don’t have perfect lives. Christ wants us to bring our burdens to the altar where He, “nourishes us with His Body and Blood.”
As this weekend concludes, let us rejoice in that fact that we can refuge in Christ.
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