In preparation for entering a new chapter of their lives, many graduated seniors tend to struggle with one common task: not only maintaining, but strengthening their faith. As they go off to college and their environment changes, they will discover and gain a great deal of independence, and it is up to them on how they utilize it.
Steve offered a few helpful tips to these seniors on how to keep their fire for God ignited and elevated throughout the next chapter of their lives.
Find Community
We can be very easily influenced by those we surround ourselves with. In college, especially, there will be plenty of people who question various aspects of life, including one’s faith. In addition, if you find yourself surrounded by a group that does not practice the same beliefs as you, you may not feel as motivated to attend Mass on Sunday or a faith-based group on campus that could potentially help you Elevate. This lack of motivation is a large factor as to why many young adults’ relationships with God become more distant after high school.
Steve said that if you are going to college, whether you attend a university with or without a Catholic affiliation, there is still a way to find God. He advised a teen that was concerned about the lack of a Newman Center on his campus to “Be a starter. Don’t be afraid.” and elaborated that there will be others just like him who are searching to maintain and go deeper in their relationship with God through this time of transition.
Continue Going Deeper
Steve presented the alarming statistic that about 80% of raised Catholics do not continue practicing Catholicism as adults. A lot of this is as a result of not only letting your relationship with God deteriorate, but also allowing your faith to plateau. As stated in his previous point, it is extremely important to surround yourself with people who will not only allow you to maintain your faith, but encourage you to grow and go deeper.
In addition, it is our responsibility to take time out of each day to pray in some form. Whether it is reflecting on the daily Bible verse, a Divine Chaplet or simply initiating a conversation with God, maintaining a fruitful prayer life is essential. Aside from us talking to God, we cannot let this interaction turn into a one sided conversation, for a fruitful relationship goes both ways. With this, it is necessary that we take the time to listen to what God is saying and embrace his grand plan that he in store has for us.
As Steve said, “If we don’t take enough time to listen for God’s voice, we won’t recognize it when we hear it.”
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