The Gospel of Mark tells the story of a deaf man that couldn’t speak. Jesus took him away from the crowd, put His fingers into his ears, and He spat and touched his tongue. Jesus sighed and said, “be opened,” and the man was healed.
God can heal your wounds too, but it requires us to “be opened.” The Lord sees you, even if other people don’t see you. Jesus wants to step into your life, take you to the side, and be alone with you.
Jesus can come into your life in unexpected ways. Jesus comes to us in the Eucharist, through music, through community. You are so intricately and uniquely made, and Jesus can restore you in an intricate and unique way. The restoration may not happen overnight, but don’t be discouraged. He desires to begin the journey of restoration with you.
What is God asking of you? Like the deaf man, is He asking you to be open to him?
If you want to see Jesus, look at the cross. If you want to see restoration, look at the cross. Out of an abundance of love for you, He died for you. He is for you. He will never abandon you in your time of need.
Until we live our Catholic faith courageously, we won’t be able to share the faith with our broken world. Our country desperately needs to hear the truth of Jesus, and we need you to live out the faith, so that others may begin their journey of restoration.
What are the areas in your life that need restoration and healing?
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