Praying With Music

The Right Words at the Right Time
Do you ever turn on the radio to 99.1 Joy FM or listen to your iPod and hear a song that just speaks to your heart?
A few weeks ago, I made a visit to St. Simon’s Youth Ministry. The activity for the evening was on music and how we can hear the right words at the right time. Each person had to pick up a piece of paper that had the lyrics of a Christian song on it. We each shared what stood out to us. The song I received was Chris Tomlin’s “Let God Arise.” The lyrics are:
Hear the holy roar of God resound
Watch the waters part before us now
Come and see what He has done for us
Tell the world of His great love
Our God is a God who savesLet God arise
Let God arise
Our God reigns now and forever
He reigns now and foreverHis enemies will run for sure
The church will stand, she will endure
He holds the keys of life, our Lord
Death has no sting, no final word
Our God is a God who saves
Lyrics That Spoke To Me
The lyrics that spoke to me were: Watch the waters part before us now, Come and see what He has done for us. As we’ve been nearing the end of the school year, I have been very stressed and worried about my classes, grades, and homework. This craziness in my life right now feels like the sea during a storm: rushing waves and chaos. These lyrics from the song are God’s words in my life, telling me to realize that He will take care of me and that I do not need to worry. He gives me comfort in these words to know that He will part the waters and calm the craziness in my life if I let Him.
What Songs Do You Pray With?
Do you like praying with music? What songs have spoken to your heart lately? I challenge you to turn on the radio to 99.1 JOY FM, find a Christian song online, or check out Adam Bitter’s list of Songs to Look For at SteubySTL and listen to what God may be trying to tell you. Share the lyrics that spoke out to you most using #steubystl on Twitter or commenting here!
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