David Calavitta, Jesus, and Our Fascination With Superheroes!
This morning we had the privilege of hearing from David Calavitta. He started off his talk by discussing how many of us have a fascination with superheroes because they do things that are out of the ordinary – and we all have that desire. This is directly related to our desire for greatness and we cannot escape this desire. He said, “We are made for greatness because we are made in the image and likeness of the Greatest.”
This is exactly how Jesus lived His life, a life of greatness. He preformed miracles, loved the unloveable, and forgave the sinner. Jesus lived a supernatural life – a life of greatness. And Jesus says to all of us, “You’ve seen these things I’ve done and you will do greater things than these if you believe in me.”
Have You Settled For Something Less?
David talked about how many of us deserve greater things than we’ve settled for. God wants us to be His witnesses and receive His power. He talked about how this is the same Catholic Church in which miracles were performed 2,000 years ago and only one variable has changed – us. David reminded us that these miracles “are not history that ended, but history that continues.”
The World Needs You
He stressed that this world needs this variable (us) to change; the world is sick and dying because there are not enough saints walking among us. We all make excuses about why we are unable to pursue this greatness right now. David reminded us that St. Joan of Arc was 14 when she was given visions of the war, St. John Bosco was 12, and the hinge of salvation depended on a 13 year old girl (Mary) who was asked to say yes. But her yes changed this world.
Our excuses are not valid. We all need power from the Holy Spirit for the abundant life we were created for – and this world needs it desperately.
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