Katie Prejean started the women’s session with a Hail Mary and a simple prayer to call upon God’s truth, especially when it comes to our roles as His beloved daughters.
Katie shared that the fundamental part of who we are is that we are loved; it’s our greatest identity. We are wanted by the very God who forged us in his sacred image. This means that, even in our mess, when our breath smells and our hair is bedraggled, we are Jesus’ chosen image to represent beautiful, selfless love. We are love incarnate! It’s also our greatest purpose. We were created specifically to love others and to be loved by Him.
Katie talked to us about her troublesome high school years and early twenties where she dealt with insecurities and heartbreak. Like many young women, she turned to earthly relationships and dating to try and fill the void that only the Holy Spirit could. It wasn’t until she let Jesus into her life through prayer and Adoration that she realized she had been searching for God’s divine love all along. Jesus met her in the crisis part of her life, and like the outcast Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:4-42), she’s found peace, joy, and validation in the living water He provides.
Katie’s message assures us that God has called each of His daughters to be heavenly women, women who live in virtue and look beyond tomorrow. He’s asking us to fix our eyes on the final final prize of eternal life in unity with Him. If we can support and be there for our fellow women, and live in a way that inspires men to uphold virtues, we can surely change the world.
You know what gossip does? It cuts someone else off at the knees, so you can stand taller.
God has a greater plan for us, but we have to surrender to that plan.
The fundamental part of who you are is that you are wanted; He created you to go out into the world to go love other people.
Catholicism is universal. It answers everything.
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