It all starts with the Good Shepherd.
Jimmy Mitchell is living in Nashville these days, after growing up in Atlanta, where he remembers being a chubby kid who got to be decent at football and navigated bullying, parents fighting, and feeling alone.
But an encounter with God as a fourteen-year-old at Adoration led him to begin to embrace the reality that God has given each of us unique and unrepeatable gifts. And God cares even more for our good than we do.
And that revelation led him to understand that Christ and His Church are inseparable. Through the love of the Church, we have a relationship with our Shepherd. Jimmy shared about experiences of God’s love all over the world, and the reality that no matter where we go, we can’t be separated from our Good Shepherd. And we can meet Him here, this weekend.
“It’s easy to see Him in triumph; where is He in tragedy? He’s on the cross. He goes before us.”
“History hinges on the lives of saints. How many of us this weekend will lean into the love of Christ?”
“Jesus wants us to find pasture this weekend. He wants us to know how madly in love with us He is.”
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