To kick off programming, our host, Chris Padgett, encouraged us all to invite God to come into our hearts and accept His offer of restoration this weekend.
The writer of Psalm 51 asks God to “Restore in me the joy of thy salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.”
This past year was difficult for all of us, and tonight we want to invite God in to begin that restoration we all desperately need.
The only One that can bring that kind of restoration we need will meet us face to face tonight in Eucharistic Adoration.
“The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is going to come and rest here on this altar.
At this moment, you can really lay everything before Him. God can speak right to your heart in your language – in a way you can understand – if you give Him a little bit of room. So, I invite you to give Him a little bit of room.”
Our challenge to you is be vulnerable and ask yourself what is the miracle that you need in your life?
What would it look like to let God fully restore you?
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