Week 2: Saturday Night Recap

Afternoon Keynote: The Darkness has not Overcome

As we gathered back together following our afternoon break, Fr. Brian Fallon spoke  to us about the places of light and darkness in our lives. He explained that God did not create us to be the light, rather to see and share in the life of Christ who is the  light of the world. We often strive for perfection, grasping at worldly things that we cannot attain, when in reality we should open our arms and be received by our loving Father.  Fr. Fallon reminded  us that, “Jesus loves us too much to keep us in the darkness.” Jesus bore the cross, thinking of us and our struggles, demonstrating that trusting in the Lord allows us to experience more than mere earthly obligations. He urged us to abandon the need to be the light and instead witness and reflect God’s light. As bearers of the light, how are we called to bring the love of Christ to others?

Watch the live stream of the afternoon keynote here.

Keynote: The Road Illuminated 

Tonight, Jackie Francois Angel reminded the conference of the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We receive the Holy Spirit for two reasons: to grow in our own holiness and to build up the body of Christ. Jackie said, “Let’s let our heart be burning with the Holy Spirit,” as we are called to let that fire spread to the world around us. She also spoke of Saint Jose Sanchez Del Rio, a teenager in the early 1900s who was captured during battle and told to deny the faith. With the strength of the Spirit within him, he held true to the Lord, shouting, “Viva Cristo Rey!” without fear. God calls us to be His hands and feet in the world, but we must remember we cannot do it alone. Looking at Luke 24,  we hear of the disciples who were on their way to Emmaus. Jesus met them on their walk, and as they journeyed with Him, they invited Jesus to stay and He broke bread with them. Their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him before He vanished from their sight, illustrating how the Holy Spirit illuminates and opens our hearts to understand and recognize the presence of Christ.  Let us continue to ask the Holy Spirit for the fortitude we need to be courageous witnesses to the Lord in all that we do.


Fr. Brian Fallon processed through the crowd with the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance. And just like the disciples stood in Christ’s presence over 2,000 years ago, we were able to be with Jesus in the Eucharist. We had a moment of encounter with the Lord, and something happens when a group of people encounter the Lord and decide they are going to respond. As Fr. Fallon said, “We know for sure, Lord, that You will show us the path to life. The fullness of joy is in Your presence. At Your right hand, happiness forever.”

Watch Saturday night’s live stream here.

Written by abbyschmittgens