What is the purpose of this weekend conference? It’s simple: individual hearts and their journey with Christ. Imperfectly, with mistakes along the way, this weekend is about joining the journey of hearts being pursued by Christ.
The Closing Prayer at Mass says, “… to lead us from former ways to newness of life.” This weekend, a time of restoration, is a beginning point of Jesus leading us to be better than we were before we came. Somewhere along the way, God touched your heart this weekend. Maybe it was during Mass, Adoration, Reconciliation, or in the words of a talk. What He has in store for you next a mystery. The graces from this weekend will bear fruit in the days and years to come. There is a whole journey of life and grace ahead. The key to this weekend is what you do next.
“Our God is not a God of one and done. He doesn’t come into our lives and then back away. He offers us fullness of life.” How will He continually restore us? You have to make a resolution. Decide how you will participate in and cooperate with God as He moves you from one way of life to another.
Make a commitment. Your resolution serves as an invitation allowing Jesus to continue to restore you. God is not done with you. “When we open our hearts to Christ, He will lead us to where He wants us to be.”
In Scripture, Jesus invites His apostles to come away to a deserted place. The deserted place is where we encounter Jesus. That’s where we are restored for the mission. In the midst of whatever fills our lives, Jesus says, “Come away. I will restore you.” Jesus invites us to let Him enter into our hearts, so that He can rest there and fill us with rest, too.
The conference is ending. We are going home. What will you do next?
Reflection Questions
What conscious choice will you make to carry forth the encounter you had this weekend?
What does your deserted place look like? Where do you go so that Jesus can fill you with peace?
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