Fr. Dave began his talk this afternoon by reminding us that God has a plan for our lives, our lives are not random and that every individual matters.
You are more than your body
Fr. Dave reminded us that you are more than just a body. Your body is only a part of you. You are flesh and soul, and that’s what makes you human. They are important because your body and soul make you who you are. You have a body and a soul and Jesus Christ delights in that. He referenced Chris Pratt’s recent MTV awards speech last month when Pratt said “you have a soul, take care of it.”
How do we know what God wants us to do?
Psalm 37:4 – “The Lord longs to serve the deepest desire of your heart.” God reveals what He wants us to do by revealing to us our own heart. Thankfully for us, He will never ask us to do anything we can’t do. But in order to do the will of God, we have to be free. We have to be free of wondering what people will think if we choose to follow God’s will for our lives.
God’s will for you is to be holy and to be a saint. The saint is the one that gets up one more time than he falls. He wants you to be a saint just the way that you are. He wants you to blaze your own trail, not follow in someone else’s footsteps. Being a saint doesn’t mean that you do it like everybody else. The saint takes their talents and weaknesses and says “Lord, these do not belong to me, they are a gift from you and I will live for you. How do you want me to live, God?”
I encourage you to take a listen to the full audio of Fr. Dave Pivonka’s talk and reflect on what the Lord’s deepest desire of your heart is.
“Learn to pray. It’s good for you and it’s good for the soul.” – Chris Pratt
“Figuring out God’s will is always between two goods. God is not going to ask you to do something that is against His will.”
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