What is it to see the glory of God? Is it experiencing the most magnificent, explosive display of power imaginable? If the all-powerful God revealed Himself to us that way, we almost certainly couldn’t handle it. So instead, God stripped Himself of everything so that we don’t have to be afraid of Him. The Word became flesh, not only in the historical figure of Jesus of Nazareth, but until the end of time in the Blessed Sacrament.
In tonight’s Eucharistic procession, Jesus allowed Himself to be carried through the arena so that He could get close to each one of us. We were encouraged to simply give our hearts to Him, and to let the heart of Jesus draw near to us.
Just a few minutes before Jesus walked among us tonight, a young man named Nick gave a personal testimony about the power of Adoration in his life. Many of us, I suspect, were struck by this line from Nick’s testimony: “I didn’t have anything to say…so I just quieted myself and listened.”
I think that’s perhaps best advice we could have been given. In addition to the intensely personal things we each heard in our hearts, we heard some comforting and reassuring words in the lyrics of the songs we sang ~
I’m restless ’til I rest in You
The Father’s arms are open wide
You know just what we need, before we say a word, You’re a good, good Father, and I’m loved by You
My faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior, For I am Yours, and you are mine
I don’t have the time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way He loves us
There’s no better place for me than in your arms, You’re the only one who brings me peace
In Adoration, we always seek Him; not an experience – although sometimes we are blessed with a powerful experience.
For me, I was most blessed by the experience of spending time with 3452 people – singing at the top of our lungs, kneeling in absolute silence, and reaching out to Jesus – who is always reaching out to us.
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