Week 2: Saturday Morning Recap

Holy Mass 

Along with over 50 concelebrating priests, Bishop Rice offered Mass on Saturday morning in honor of Our Lady and her Immaculate Heart. During the homily, Fr. Brian Fallon reminded us that everything in the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New Testament. In the same way that Isaiah was healed from the embers of the altar, so too we are healed when we receive Jesus fully present in the Eucharist. Fr. Fallon then said, “The same Jesus that was walking two millennia ago in Nazareth and Jerusalem and all these other places, who died on the cross is now in my heart. If I’m recognizing what is happening in the word, then my heart is illuminated. Have the audacity to say, ‘Send me.’” Let us be reminded each and every Mass that we  are worth something. While we  might not feel it in every moment, we mean something to the Lord, have value in His eyes, and He longs for us in the Mass.

Watch the live stream of morning Mass here.

Women’s Session: Femininity Illuminated 

Jackie Francois Angel spoke to the women today about God’s love for us and how we desire that love but struggle to receive it. Often, we can grasp for worldly love, whether that be relationships, money, popularity, etc. These worldly desires can lead us away from God, causing us to believe that we are not good enough, that if someone really knew us, they wouldn’t love us, that we are meant to be alone. But Jackie reminds us, “God loves you just as much when you are in adoration as when you are in your darkest moments of shame and sin. He loves you unconditionally.” Jesus calls us out of that darkness, reminding us that He wants us more than anything. Nothing in this world matters or will satisfy a heart that was made for eternity. We cannot be the women God wants us to be if we sit in the dark, we need to bring our wounds to the light.

Watch the live stream of the Women’s Session here.

Men’s Session: Masculinity Illuminated 

Brian Greenfield spoke to the men about God’s call for His sons. At the beginning of creation, God created light, and in that light He brought forth Adam, created in His image and likeness. Taking Adam’s rib, which protects the heart, He created Eve. Eve is welcomed into Adam’s heart, and Adam is called to protect Eve. Similarly, men are called to protect, provide, and serve. When the moment arose for Adam to come to the aid of his beloved and to protect her, he was confused and fearful, the opposition of faith. However, this is not where the story of Adam ends, God rescues him still. In the same way, our moments of sin, fear, or doubt do not have to be the end of our story.  God sees us individually, and regardless of these moments, asks, “Where are you?” just as He did of Adam in the garden. Then in giving us His Son, Jesus  Christ, we have an example of  what a man is called to be. Jesus is our constant. Jesus is the one that heals us. How? Giving His whole life so that we will know who we are.

Watch the live stream of the Men’s Session here.

Written by Courtney Rockamann