Sometimes, new things stir in our hearts because of the movement of the Holy Spirit.
From Sr. M. Karolyn
“When we bargin with the Lord, it’s just not going to work out,” shared Sr. Karoyln. While she worked for the Lord in His vineyard, her heart wasn’t fulfilled. “My heart was made to live Heaven now,” said Sr. Karolyn. The life she lived didn’t align with what her heart was made for.
What is Jesus doing in your heart? What invitation is He making? Explore that more deeply.
Continue to grow in your identity as daughter and sister. “Walk through the doors that Jesus opens.” He will gently call by you name. As you receive His love deeply, He will reveal the shape of your heart.
From Fr. Rick Martignetti
Jesus is real. “None of us were created by accident. We were created by purpose.” This leads to the question, “What is it, Lord, You want me to do in this world?” Fr. Rick encouraged everyone to ask that question daily, because God guides us, if we keep listening.
“Prayer is everything. It’s everything.” Being in communion with God, returning to Him, and listening are the starting point for responding to His call. “Don’t skip a day,” of prayer. Whether the call fades or grows deeper, pay attention. You could try journaling about it. When the Lord speaks to you, if you write it down, then you can read what He has spoken to you. If you are able to find a Spiritual Director, that person can help you sort through the messages in discernment.
For All the Sons and Daughters
Listen to the movements of your hearts. Be gentle as the seeds of discernment grow. Our world needs good priests, faithful sisters, and holy marriages. The Catholic Church welcomes everyone to come home and find Christ here. Whatever Jesus stirs in your heart, continue to seek refuge in His love. His goodness and faithfulness will lead you to the purpose of your life, and give you rest.
If you would like to see the Sunday morning session, it is available on our Facebook page.
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