13 Items For Your Steuby Bucket List

Don’t Miss Out On The Fun!
Whether you’ve been to Steuby Mid-America before or not, here are some things you should definitely add to your bucket list:
1) Take a Picture With the Bear
Snap a pic by the bear statue in the middle of MO State’s campus. Classic.
2.) Get Papa John’s Pizza at Plaster Student Union
Tastes SO good after a late session (It’s open until 11 PM!)
3) Go to Reconciliation
Those long lines are super intimidating, but it’s totally worth it. The lines move along quickly and the whole thing is finished before you know it! You will feel the awesomeness of God’s healing grace afterwards, and that’s pretty great.
4) Toss a Disc
Have the “ultimate” college experience and bring a frisbee along to throw around during breaks. Trust me, you’ll make a lot of friends.
5) Get Into the Music
I don’t care if you hate “cross-clapping” or hand motions. At least sing your heart out (or just sing at a volume that is outside your comfort level). Maybe try opening your hands and lifting them a little bit. Any little step outside of your comfort zone will help you get the most out of your experience!
6) Get Some Sleep…At Least a Little Bit
Some of the best times on Steuby are late-night chats with your friends in the dorms. Just remember that the weekend is packed with awesome talks and encounters with Christ. You don’t want to fall asleep during the day and miss something potentially life-changing! Yeah, some freshmen will be like “OMG guyz, let’s pull an ALL-NIGHTER!” Don’t be that kid. You don’t have to be that goody-two-shoes who is already snoozing an hour before “lights out,” but you should think about getting at least a couple of hours of sleep.
7) Check Out the Steuby Bookstore
Buy yourself some merch if you feel like it. I always have a fun time just looking for unique things that they sell in there. Have a contest with your friends to see who can find the best stuff.
8) Visit the Chapel
There’s an adoration chapel set up in the Student Union. Spend some time in quiet personal prayer if you want a place to encounter Christ away from the crowds.
9) Find a Person with a FREE HUGS Shirt
I don’t know why, but this is always a thing at Steuby Mid-America. Go ahead and give that person a hug, if you feel like it! If not, maybe counter with your own T-shirt…make one that says “Free Shrugs,” and just give her/him a nice shrug.
10) Pass Along Some Clothespins
You may have heard us mention these mysterious folks in our post “10 People You May Find At SteubySTL.” It’s an inexplicable “thing” at Steuby Mid-America. Clothespins with positive messages and affirmations written on them somehow find their way onto the back of your shirt. They say things like, “Jesus loves you” or “You’re pretty neat.” Feel free to pass some along, or make some of your own!
11) Get on the Big Screen
Take a really cool #steubystlselfie or dance like nobody’s watching! I don’t know what it is, but seeing your face blown up to 20 times its original size is really cool. Also, everyone else sees it, so you’re basically famous.
12) Take a Nap Outside…
especially if you didn’t follow my advice to sleep during the night! Naps in the great outdoors are actually quite refreshing. Find a nice quiet patch of grass and remember to set an alarm, so you can wake up for the next session!
13) Pick a Priest’s Brain
Or ANY person’s brain in the religious life, for that matter. Find a priest, sister, seminarian, deacon, bishop, etc. and ask some questions! Ask them what it’s like to be in the religious life, or ask any burning questions you have about the Catholic faith. There are literally HUNDREDS of religious walking around, so why not take advantage of the opportunity?
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