During your weekend at Steubenville and in the weeks that have followed, maybe you have felt a tug on your heart to consider a vocation to the consecrated religious. If so, there are plenty of resources to help you with your discernment. Just as Sr. Consolata and the many religious sisters who were present at Steubenville (including the Sisters of St. Fancis, Carmelite Sisters, and Daughters of St. Paul) were eager to converse with you, there are religious orders all over waiting to help you. Continue reading
This year I went to the Steubenville Youth Conference with a mission to deepen my relationship with God, which had been shaky at best. I made my relationship with God the object of Saturday night’s adoration. I reflected on my past, where I am now, and my future with Him. Before I could even begin to imagine my future with God, I decided to ask Him who He is. Continue reading
Depending on which week you attended Steubenville, you are now either two or three weeks past initial check-in on Friday. Your life should look different. The point of a conference like this is to help you make the changes in your life that are necessary to become a saint. Continue reading
“I hope that on this weekend you have discovered that Jesus’ mercy, Jesus’ generosity, Jesus’ power is limitless.”