If you stop by the bookstore, you may be lucky enough to encounter Patti Anderson, one of the smiling volunteers helping to sell all of the Pope paraphernalia and Marian merchandise.
When she is not ringing up graphic tees at Steubystl, Patti supports the Daughters of St. Paul as a volunteer at the Pauline Books & Media Bookstore in Crestwood, MO. Apparently, volunteering at bookstores is her thing!
Patti also loves spending time with her husband, her three adult children, and her three grandchildren. She and her husband share a unique hobby—and this one has nothing to do with bookstores. The Andersons gear up their motorcycles for a 100-150 mile ride almost every weekend in the summer and fall. Hey Patti, does the Steuby bookstore sell Jesus-emblazoned motorcycle helmets?
It’s no secret why Patti has kept coming back to the conferences year after year. Her deep love for Jesus Christ has led her to volunteer each year since the time St. John Paul II was pope. Her favorite part of the conference is during the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass, especially on Saturday when many groups are wearing their group t-shirts. “I love to see the movement of many colors as each group ascends and descends the arena steps in the intertwined maze of circular creativity,” Patti explains, “It is like watching organized chaos knowing that Christ in the simplicity of consecrated bread is the end goal.”
To keep the Steuby fire blazing, Patti recommends a simple way to deepen your relationship with Jesus. “Commit to just ten minutes of prayer each morning. It is simple to do and is not too overwhelming,” she suggests. Spending ten minutes in prayer when you wake up can drastically affect your whole day by surrendering it to God. Take it from the woman who can’t stop volunteering her time at Catholic bookstores!
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