We are blessed to have Archbishop Peter Wells, pictured with his nieces, at the conference this weekend. Originally from the Archdiocese of Tulsa, he serves as the Apostolic Nuncio to Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland.
Archbishop Wells explained that an Apostolic Nuncio is a two-fold job. That, since the Vatican is an independent state, he is an ambassador to Pope Francis on a political level. He also represents Pope Francis to the local bishops, and acts as the mouthpiece between Pope Francis and the local bishops, delivering messages and concerns between the two.
During his free time Archbishop Wells loves to watch Oklahoma football when he is able to receive a signal, cook many different types of food (especially Mexican cuisine), read, and listen to classical and opera music.
His biggest advice to the teens this weekend is this: you are on a pilgrimage.
He says, “A pilgrimage is used as a time to reboot, re-begin. So, allow yourself to reboot and re-begin. It is also a time to visit the tombs of the Saints, and what better way for them to feel this connection than through the Eucharist at Mass. Let God reveal himself to you, because through his revelation, you will be able to reveal your own heart to Him and as a witness to others.”
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