Father Chris Martin shared, near the end of Mass today, that sometimes we make presumptions. And that’s not good.
Presumptions can be obstacles to evangelization.
Perhaps we presume that everyone who attends one of these conferences has a relationship with the Lord, or perhaps we assume that everyone who came here this weekend is Catholic.
Father Martin called up to the front of the room a young man named Alex, from Topeka. Fr. Martin explained that Alex had attended this conference last year, and at the time he was not Catholic. And now he is, because an invitation to become Catholic was extended to him last year during this conference. Alex was met with a thunderous round of applause.
There’s more.
Father Martin then invited anyone in attendance who is not currently a baptized Catholic – and who might be feeling a tug in their hearts to join the Catholic Church – to come forward.
Those beautiful people are pictured above, and the room once again exploded with cheers and a standing ovation.
Archbishop Carlson then bestowed a special blessing upon all who had come forward. Please pray for them as they prayerfully consider becoming Catholic! Praise God.
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