Meet Kristina Radley
There’s a tall, gorgeous, gangly thing with curly black hair and a red polo running around at the conference. Her name is Kristina, and she’s here to pray for you. And, also, to become a Vine and/or YouTube sensation…
She has a gorgeous, charming, holy husband (whom you’ve heard fiddling on stage with Adam) and a pet cat, who is also gorgeous but not so charming and also a pagan.
She’s from St. Louis, a parishioner at Incarnate Word in Chesterfield. This is her fourth year at our Steubenville conferences, where she’s served as both a prayer minister and parish youth minister.
In her spare time, Kristina loves to listen to the Journey Home podcast (“because in my heart, I’m an 85-year-old Catholic woman) and hang out at her second favorite place on earth, Target. Once, after an early morning Mass, she was so in the spirit of prayer (and also, exhausted), that she accidentally crossed herself as she walked through those red automatic doors. She’s just trying to pray without ceasing. Don’t judge.
She loves coming to Steubenville to get caffeinated and pray for teenagers, so make sure to look out for her, and the other members of the prayer team, every time you attend one of our conferences.
“What’s my favorite thing about teenagers? That they have the same diet as me: pizza and laying on couches (is that cute? #idontknow).”
“As C.S. Lewis once said, ‘I cannot cut a piece of paper in a straight line, therefore the universe is evil.'”
“Planting seeds, uh… Uh… Wagering flowers? Jesus loves you. Amen”
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